Friday, May 30, 2008

A day with my best friend "Mel" at Tuttle 05-25-08

Eat my dust
my best friend and I
Jon and Sum
compare the leadge to his tires his tires are 33" tall that give you a comparison
I tried to tell you

Foot's jeep
Bryan's turn
Korby gives it a shot.



there is actually a big drop off behind me

watering the grass
I'm up there

Runs on propane

Good thing I strapped down rhe cooler

I need a lower step
the mud was waist high
hmmm, foot your back wheel is off the ground

Jon's turn
go ahead we all have done it "HA"
So Much for the wax job

Bryan flexing

Steep and muddy

The camp site
Bryans Jeep
Korbi's Jeep "Not sure how to spell"
Jon's Jeep
Bryan's coming down the stairs

We took the scenic route HWY 177
1/2 way there
bug guts
I swear I cleaned the windowbefore we left

Hold on Summer

Check out that bumper
Jon should paint his jeep like that
I made his bumper for his 38 b-day "ha"

I never could get Jon at the right time

trying to drive around a turn thanks hun
tree in the way

I got to meet some new friends
we went with 6 jeeps that all work with Jon my bro in law